Close FiltersOpen Filters Sort by latest Default sorting Sort by popularity Sort by price: low to high Sort by price: high to low 30 items × Close (V) Goat Cheese Gougere (GFO)$3.90 Ham & Brie Gougere (GFO)$3.90 (V) Vegetarian Quiche$3.90 Smoked Chicken & Espelette Pepper Vol Au Vent$3.90 Smoked Chicken & Espelette Gougere$3.90 Salmon Tartare Vol Au Vent$3.90 Smoked Salmon & Dill Gougere (GFO)$3.90 (V) Cheese & Tomato Croissant$4.50 Pain au chocolat$3.50 Opera Cake$3.90 Filled Choux$3.90 Chicken Liver Mousse on Brioche (GFO)$3.90